MC Sinners 1 - Hell's Knights - Bella Jewel,

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//-->~*Hell’s Knights*~All rights reserved. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook iscopyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensedor publicly performed or used in any form without prior written permission of the publisher, asallowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted byapplicable copyright law. Any unauthorized distribution, circulation or use of this text may be adirect infringement of the author’s rights, and those responsible may be liable in lawaccordingly. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.Hell’s KnightsCopyright © 2013 Bella JewelHell’s Knights is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and events portrayed in thisbook either are from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to realpersons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental and notintended by the author. Please do not take offence to the content, as it is FICTION.~*ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS*~There are so many people I would like to thank; it’s quite possible I could take up two pageswith it. The support I have received with writing my first book, has been utterly mind blowing.I’ve had so many kind people offering to help, from blogs, to fans, to people I don’t even know.You’re all amazing, each and every one of you. Now, to the personal thanks.To Bec Botefuhr – for tearing my book apart and putting it back together again. She sat with mefor hours, helping me put this book together. Without her, it wouldn’t be done and she knows it. Ifreakin’ love that girl to the stars!!To Lola Stark – my snatch grabber. She’s my budgie eating, whale toe, crazy friend who kept mesmiling throughout this book. Without her, and her hilarious, witty personality, I think I wouldhave given up many times. You’re my crazy bitch until the end of time snatch grab, and you knowit!To Sali Benbow-Powers – my crazy, enthusiastic BETA reader. Your notes kept me going, youripped a smile out of me every time, without a doubt. Your personality is like a breath of freshair, as I’ve told you before. You’re the kind of girl people go to when they’re feeling down,because you’re bound to make them smile! You not only told me bits I needed to change in mybook, but you gave me a boost and always told me when I was going well. That makes you anamazing BETA. Aunt Sali fixes everything, don’t ya know? Best BETA reader ever!To Kim, Melissa, Jodie and Megan. The group support you ladies gave me was incredible. Thenotes, the reading, and the enthusiastic message on Facebook - all of it mattered. Thank you allfor the time, effort and support you put into me.To Becky Johnson from Hot Tree Editing, AH, BECKY! You saved my ass. I had no editor, noclue, and you took time out to come and help me. You dropped everything and gave a new authorsome help when she needed it. Thank you so much for that, you’re absolutely amazing and oneday, I’ll steal you to work with again.To Ari from Coverit Designs. Girl, you rock my covers. Seriously, you’re the best cover artistever. You just get an idea, and you make it amazing. Without you, this book wouldn’t look pretty,which means no one would buy it, so girl, you get half the damn credit!! I love your work!To Love Between The Sheets for an AMAZING cover reveal tour. You ladies got my name outthere, you helped me grow and expand. I can’t wait to do a blog tour with you, your energy isaddictive!To Totally Booked, for giving me a chance. You ladies were so friendly, warm and inviting.You shared my teasers and gave me one hell of a Goodreads TBR list! Thanks to you, half ofFacebook is now sure to know my name. Rock on and keep doing what you do best!To Tamara McRae for her fantastic release day tour, that she so kindly did at the last minute.You’re a freaking dream. Let’s not forget those awesome picture teasers we released each dayduring the count down. You’re awesome lady.To all the other people who had a say so in my book, be it helping me find blogs, promote, beingpart of my street team - all of it. You’re all amazing, you know who you are. From the bottom ofmy heart, thank you.And of course to all my fans – You know without all of you, this wouldn’t be possible. So toeach and every one of you reading this right now, THANK YOU!! Keep doin’ what you do best,and that’s reading!!~*LINKS*~You can find me on Facebook and Goodreads, some come on down and add me, give me somelikes, keep up with my releases, or just drop in to say hi xxWhen I figure out Twitter, I’ll be on there too. xFACEBOOK BOTH LIKE AND FRIENDSHIP PAGES - SEARCH -AUTHOR BELLAJEWELGOODREADS- SEARCH -BELLAJEWEL [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
