MARPOL ANNEX VI, Literatura morska

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//-->INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION4 ALBERT EMBANKMENTLONDON SE1 7SRTelephone: 020 7735 7611Fax:020 7587 3210EIMOMEPC.1/Circ.54024 November 2006Ref. T5/1.08APPROVED UNIFIED INTERPRETATIONS TO MARPOL ANNEX VIAND THE NOx TECHNICAL CODE1The Sub-Committee on Bulk Liquids and Gases, at its tenth session (April 2006), agreedto a number of Unified Interpretations to MARPOL Annex VI and the NOx Technical Code andsubmitted them to the fifty-fifth session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee(MEPC 55), for approval.2The Marine Environment Protection Committee, at its fifty-fifth session (October 2006),approved the Unified Interpretations agreed by the Sub-Committee on Bulk Liquids and Gases atits tenth session (MEPC 55/23, paragraph 4.19 and annex 8).3All the Unified Interpretations, as approved by the Committee, are attached at annexhereto.***I:\CIRC\MEPC\01\540.docMEPC.1/Circ.540ANNEXDRAFT UNIFIED INTERPRETATIONS TO MARPOL ANNEX VI AND THENOx TECHNICAL CODE AND RELATED IMPLEMENTATION ISSUESMARPOL ANNEX VIRegulation 12 – Ozone-depleting substancesRegulation 12 read as follows:“Ozone-depleting substances(1)Subject to the provisions of regulation 3, any deliberate emissions ofozone-depleting substances shall be prohibited. Deliberate emissions includeemissions occurring in the course of maintaining, servicing, repairing or disposingof systems or equipment, except that deliberate emissions do not include minimalreleases associated with the recapture or recycling of an ozone-depletingsubstance. Emissions arising from leaks of an ozone-depleting substance, whetheror not the leaks are deliberate, may be regulated by Parties to the Protocolof 1997.New installations which contain ozone-depleting substances shall be prohibited onall ships, except that new installations containing hydrochlorofluorocarbons(HCFCs) are permitted until 1 January 2020.The substances referred to in this regulation, and equipment containing suchsubstances, shall be delivered to appropriate reception facilities when removedfrom ships.”(2)(3)Interpretation:With respect to the completion of the IAPP certificate supplement items 2.1.2 and 2.1.3,permanently sealed refrigeration equipment should not be included. Permanently sealedrefrigeration equipment are equipment where there is no refrigerant charging connections orpotentially removable components.Regulation 14 – Sulphur Oxides (SOx)Regulation 14(1) reads as follows:The sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board ships shall not exceed 4.5% m/m.Regulation 14(4) (a) reads as follows:The sulphur content of fuel oil used on board ships in a SOx emission control area doesnot exceed 1.5% m/m.I:\CIRC\MEPC\01\540.docMEPC.1/Circ.540ANNEXPage 2Interpretation:The 4.5% limit should be applied to all ships starting from the 19 May 2005 even if theIAPP certificate was not already issued for the ships concerned. The same applies for the 1.5%limit starting from 19 May 2006 for the Baltic Sea SOx emission control area and thecorresponding entry into effect dates for other designated SOx emission control areas.Regulation 16 – Shipboard incineratorsRegulation 16(9) reads as follows:Monitoring of combustion flue gas outlet temperature shall be required at all times andwaste shall not be fed into a continuous-feed shipboard incinerator when the temperature isbelow the minimum allowed temperature of 850°C. For batch-loaded shipboard incinerators, theunit shall be designed so that the temperature in the combustion chamber shall reach 600°Cwithin five minutes after start-up.Interpretation:The minimum stabilized combustion chamber flue gas outlet temperature of 850°C isequally applicable to continuous-feed and batch-loaded shipboard incinerators. Monitoring ofthe combustion flue gas outlet temperature shall be required at all times for both types ofincinerators.Regulation 18 – Fuel oil qualityRegulation 18(3) reads as follows:For each ship subject to regulations 5 and 6 of this Annex, details of fuel oil forcombustion purposes delivered to and used on board shall be recorded by means of a bunkerdelivery note which shall contain at least the information specified in appendix V to this Annex.Interpretation:Bunker delivery notes, for fuel oil delivered to and for use on board on or afterthe 19 May 2005, should be kept on board even if the IAPP certificate has not been issued yet.THE NOx TECHNICAL CODEChapter 3.2 – Test cycles and weighting factors to be appliedChapter 3.2.3 reads as follows:For variable-pitch propeller sets, test cycle E2 shall be applied in accordance with table 1.I:\CIRC\MEPC\01\540.docMEPC.1/Circ.540ANNEXPage 3Table 1 – Test cycle for “Constant-speed main propulsion” application (includingdiesel-electric drive and variable-pitch propeller installations)Interpretation:For application of the term “variable-pitch propeller sets” it shall be interpreted that theE2 cycle is applicable to any propulsion engine coupled to a variable pitch propeller, irrespectiveof whether the system operates at constant speed or variable speeds.Chapter 5.9.6 – Test sequenceChapter reads as follows:During each mode of the test cycle after the initial transition period, the specified speedshall be held within ± 1% of rated speed or 3 min-1, whichever is greater, except for low idle,which shall be within the tolerances declared by the manufacturer. The specific torque shall beheld so that the average, over the period during which the measurements are to be taken, iswithin 2% of the maximum torque at the test speed.Interpretation:For application of the term “within 2% of the maximum torque” it shall be interpretedthat in order to be consistent between the constant (D2 and E2) and the variable speed (C1and E3) test cycles the specific torque at each load shall be held within 2% of the maximum(rated) torque at the engine’s rated speed.Chapter 5.9.9 – Re-checking the analysersChapter 5.9.9 reads as follows:After the emission test, the calibration of the analysers shall be re-checked, using a zerogas and the same span gas as used prior to the measurements. The test shall be consideredacceptable if the difference between the two calibration results is less than 2%.I:\CIRC\MEPC\01\540.doc [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
