Manuela Fiuza Cardiotoxicity of Oncologic Treatments 2012, medyczne- książki w j ang

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Edited by
Manuela Fiuza
Edited by
Manuela Fiuza
 Cardiotoxicity of Oncologic Treatments
Edited by Manuela Fiuza
Published by InTech
Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Copyright © 2012 InTech
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First published March, 2012
Printed in Croatia
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Cardiotoxicity of Oncologic Treatments, Edited by Manuela Fiuza
p. cm.
ISBN 978-953-51-0273-1
Preface VII
Chapter 1
Cardiovascular Pathophysiology
Produced by Natural Toxins and
Their Possible Therapeutic Implications 1
Robert Frangež, Marjana Grandič and Milka Vrecl
Chapter 2
Role of Nitric Oxide
in Isoproterenol-Induced Myocardial Infarction 17
Victoria Chagoya de Sánchez, Lucía Yañez-Maldonado,
Susana Vidrio-Gómez, Lidia Martínez, Jorge Suárez,
Alberto Aranda-Fraustro, Juan Carlos Torres
and Gabriela Velasco-Loyden
Chapter 3
Cardiac Complications of Cancer Treatment
Beata Mlot and Piotr Rzepecki
Chapter 4
Neuregulin1-ErbB Signaling
in Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity 65
Xinhua Yan, David Goukassian and James Morgan
Chapter 5
Doxorubicin-Induced Oxidative
Injury of Cardiomyocytes –
Do We Have Right Strategies for Prevention?
Vukosava Milic Torres and Viktorija Dragojevic Simic
Chapter 6
Trastuzumab and Cardiotoxicity
M. Fiuza and A. Magalhães
Chapter 7
Early Detection and Prediction of Cardiotoxicity –
Biomarker and Echocardiographic Evaluation
Elena Kinova and Assen Goudev
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