Man's Favorite Sport - Ulubiony sport mężczyzn (1964), zachomikowane(1)

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{80}{163}Evening, Major.|Evening.{164}{249}First time I've been saluted|in years. That really felt good.{251}{317}Nice boy. Very thoughtful. Yes, he is.{318}{382}[Indistinct Talking,|Giggling]{384}{437}Ten-shun.{506}{561}See that guy?|[Indistinct Chattering]{563}{621}<i>**[Jazz]</i>{682}{748}Roger, thank goodness!|I was looking for you.{750}{843}I was looking for you. Look at this|arm. Look how I have to hold it.{844}{897}It just doesn't make any|difference anymore. It does to me.{899}{975}No, it doesn't. Come here and|look through this window. Why?{977}{1034}You see that man|with the cast on his arm?{1035}{1114}<i>Yeah. That is Joe Kilroy,|our Chicago champion.</i>{1115}{1175}He had|an automobile accident.{1177}{1279}You can't both have broken|arms. His really is broken.{1281}{1373}You mean I can't tell people|about the itty-bitty bird?{1375}{1508}Right. I could've thought of something better.|Come on. We have to get that off your arm.{1510}{1577}This saw ought to be|just the thing!{1579}{1636}I don't think...|Put your arm down.{1639}{1719}He's right. We couldn't tell where|the cast stops and the arm begins.{1719}{1784}I think you're right.|How about the snippers?{1786}{1851}Put your arm down.|I don't think...{1853}{1923}There's not enough room between the|cast and the arm. That doesn't work.{1925}{1995}I'm gonna call a doctor.|Wait, hold still.{1997}{2073}That's pretty hard. A chisel|and hammer ought to do it.{2075}{2170}Put your arm right down there.|Come on. Put your arm down.{2171}{2292}Lean over this way. Down|flat so she can work on it.{2294}{2359}Oh... Uh...{2428}{2540}Ooh! Ohh!|That isn't going to work!{2542}{2601}I know! Put his arm|over there in that vise.{2603}{2696}I'm going to get a doctor.|You want that thing off or not?{2698}{2760}Well, yes, but... Then|put your arm in here.{2762}{2818}That's good. Wind him up tight. Okay.{2819}{2867}This, this, this...|I'll get it.{2869}{2933}<i>[Mechanical Whirring]|Here we are.</i>{2935}{3046}- Oh, uh, uh...|- Hey, this is gonna work fine!{3047}{3130}You're not gonna use that thing|on me! You said you wanted it off.{3133}{3198}Not with that thing! It'll|be all over in a moment.{3199}{3297}That's what I'm afraid of! You'll|never even know it happened.{3434}{3504}O- O-Oh, please, Abby!|Shh! Roger.{3791}{3838}[Ringing]{4026}{4072}Hello?{4074}{4158}Hello, Roger? I can't sleep. Mm-hmm.{4160}{4258}Who is this? This is|Abigail. I can't sleep.{4300}{4358}Do you know|what time it is?{4360}{4430}Just a minute.{4431}{4491}I don't... I know what...{4591}{4637}Hello? Hello?{4639}{4762}I had to go in the other room|to look at the clock. It's 1:30.{4764}{4827}I know it's 1:30.{4829}{4901}You do? Well, why did|you ask? Of course I do!{4903}{4958}I just wanted to see|if you knew.{4959}{5072}- Yes, I just told you. It's 1:30.|- What is it that you want?{5074}{5162}You don't happen to have any|sleeping pills on you, do you?{5164}{5208}Yes.{5210}{5290}Oh, good. I'll be right|over. Hey, wait a minute.{5291}{5371}Say, uh, when will|you be back?{5373}{5434}[Chuckling]|I don't know!{5747}{5794}[Buzzing]{5948}{6038}<i>[Buzzing Continues]|Just a minute.</i>{6180}{6236}Hi. Here's your sleeping pill.{6238}{6320}This is better than a|corner drugstore. Thanks.{6322}{6421}Uh, Roger, could I have a glass|of water? I can't take these dry.{6422}{6472}I suppose so.{6474}{6580}I'm so glad that you hadn't gone to bed yet|because I couldn't sleep, and I thought maybe...{6582}{6641}What are you doing?|I'm taking my coat off.{6642}{6701}Why? Because it's warm in here.{6703}{6773}Anyway, I was thinking maybe you would|be awake, thinking about tomorrow...{6775}{6891}and you might want to play a little gin|rummy. I do not want to play gin rummy.{6893}{6956}My, but you're grumpy.|Is something bothering you?{6958}{7045}What would people think, you|wandering over here, dressed like that?{7046}{7118}They might think I have|funny-looking legs.{7120}{7186}Yours are kind of funny|looking too. [Sarcastic Chuckle]{7187}{7289}Here's your water. Take|your pill. Mmm, thank you.{7290}{7388}My, that's an ugly-looking pill.|I don't think I want it.{7390}{7489}<i>What? Didn't you just ask me... Well, I|asked, all right. But I changed my mind.</i>{7491}{7604}Don't you ever change your mind? Like|sometimes you want somebody to do something,{7606}{7713}- then you find you don't want 'em to do it at all.|- Like what, for instance?{7715}{7764}<i>Like, uh...|Go on.</i>{7766}{7825}<i>Just a minute, I'm thinking. Tell me.</i>{7827}{7877}Like, uh, kissing.|Kissing?{7879}{7943}Mm-hmm. What has kissing got|to do with the sleeping pill?{7945}{7990}Very little.{7991}{8082}We were talking about asking someone to do|something, then changing your mind. You see?{8083}{8135}No.|Let me put it this way.{8137}{8263}Sometimes you meet somebody and you start|wondering what it would be like if he kissed you.{8265}{8334}And you can hardly stand it|until he does kiss you.{8335}{8412}And when he does you expect|maybe bells are gonna ring.{8414}{8508}You think maybe you'll come unglued|and you'll fly out in all directions.{8510}{8561}And you know what|happens? I can't imagine.{8562}{8623}Nothing. Mm-mm. Nothing. Nothing?{8625}{8709}You don't want him to kiss you anymore|because you've changed your mind.{8710}{8777}You see why I do not|want to take the pill?{8778}{8868}It's not too clear. Are you|gonna take that thing or not?{8870}{8931}Well, I guess it wouldn't|kill me, would it?{9005}{9055}What are you holding|your nose for?{9057}{9139}Because I cannot stand|the taste of it.{9141}{9213}What does holding your nose|got to do with tasting it?{9214}{9285}Say, that's|a great idea, Roger.{9286}{9373}Are you hungry? I could fix us|some sandwiches and coffee. No.{9374}{9468}I am not hungry, and you should not|take coffee with a sleeping pill.{9470}{9531}Why? Because it's a stimulant.{9533}{9632}Oh? What should I take?|[Sighs] Milk. Hot milk.{9634}{9723}Have you got some? Why|did you suggest it? No.{9725}{9822}I didn't. I was saying... You did say|coffee would be the thing I shouldn't take...{9824}{9946}I don't have any coffee, any milk, and|it's after 2:00 in the morning. I know.{9948}{10086}<i>And here I am, keeping you awake and|you have to fish tomorrow. That's right.</i>{10088}{10222}I don't know, Roger. Everything|I do seems to be wrong.{10224}{10296}[Sobs] When I got the idea|of getting you up here,{10298}{10390}it seemed to be just the way|to help Easy and her father.{10392}{10477}And I've given you nothing but trouble,|and you've been so sweet about it.{10479}{10554}I haven't been sweet about it. You've|been a stinker some of the time.{10556}{10634}But that's because I|was wrong. I deserved it.{10635}{10758}Anyway, I don't think you'd believe me if|I told you I was sorry. But I really am.{10760}{10833}Now, Abigail, I...|You're not angry?{10835}{10906}Well, no. I mean... Oh, Roger,{10907}{11046}when you're sweet to me like this,|it just... [Sobbing, Whimpering]{11048}{11125}Mm. [Sniffs]|Oh, oh.{11126}{11194}Wh... What's the matter?|Roger?{11195}{11274}What is it? You know what|we were talking about before?{11275}{11322}Uh, sleeping pills.{11323}{11406}No, no. Do you remember|what we were talking about?{11408}{11541}Wanting someone to do something, and then|wondering what it would be like if he did it?{11542}{11637}You mean kissing? Yes. Roger,|I have to ask you a question.{11639}{11686}What is it?{11687}{11784}Would you please|like to kiss me?{11786}{11832}Oh...|Would you?{11834}{11892}<i>[Phone Ringing]</i>{11936}{11994}Uh, that's|the telephone.{12038}{12084}[Clanging]|Shh!{12086}{12145}All right,|all right.{12185}{12257}- Hello?|- Hello, Willoughby. This is Major Phipps.{12259}{12313}What can I do for you?{12314}{12394}I'm here with your boss,|Harvey Skaggs and Jim Bush,{12396}{12474}and we want to ask you some questions|before the tournament starts.{12475}{12540}- We'll be over right away.|- What did you say?{12542}{12640}We'll be over right away. Uh,|Major, just a minute. Where are you?{12642}{12711}- At the bar in the lodge.|- Good.{12713}{12811}I could use a nightcap myself, so|I'll come over there. Well, hurry up.{12813}{12911}Yes, right away. Now I have|to get over to the lodge.{12913}{13033}They were coming over here. It wouldn't|do at all for you to be found here.{13035}{13103}I've got to get over there.|I'll see you tomorrow.{13142}{13235}<i>Roger, where do you keep your|cigarettes? Are you still there?</i>{13237}{13366}Yes, I wanted to ask you something.|Oh, I found the cigarettes.{13367}{13445}Abby, I've got to get over|to the lodge.{13447}{13514}I know.|I'm not keeping you.{13516}{13594}But you didn't answer me, and I|had asked if you'd like to kiss me.{13595}{13690}Oh, for Pete's sake.|I haven't got time!{13744}{13865}I ask him if he would like to kiss|me, and he says he hasn't got time.{13927}{14039}<i>Well, he could've meant it|that way. Might've been nice.</i>{14041}{14156}<i>If you specialize on trout or bass, you|have more of a chance on getting the big one.</i>{14158}{14228}And it's usually the big one that|wins the tournament. Makes sense.{14230}{14301}That's good enough for me.|You've been a lot of help.{14302}{14421}It's all in the book. Why don't you buy one?|All your money, you can't take it with you.{14423}{14482}[Chuckles] I can buy another|drink for everybody but you.{14484}{14554}Not for me. I'm too|tired. I'll buy my own.{14556}{14635}I'm gonna turn in. Good|night. Good night. Good night.{14636}{14747}He's a great guy. A real sportsman.|Not many pe... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
