Make Up Your Mind Entrepreneurs Talk Abo - Ann Graham Ehringer, ebook, ebook.1400, Temp 2

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//-->Make UpYour MindEntrepreneurs TalkAbout Decision-MakingAnn Graham EhringerSILVERLAKEPUBLISHINGLOSANGELES, CA ABERDEEN, WAMake Up Your MindEntrepreneurs Talk About Decision-MakingFirst edition, second printing 2005Copyright © 1995, 2005 by Ann Graham EhringerSilver Lake Publishing111 East Wishkah StreetAberdeen, WA 98520For a list of other publications or for more information, please call1.360.532.5758. Find our Web site rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system or transcribed in any form or by any means (elec-tronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise) without theprior written permission of Silver Lake Publishing.Library of Congress Catalogue Number: PendingEhringer, Ann GrahamMake Up Your MindEntrepreneurs Talk About Decision-MakingPages: 374ISBN: 1-56343-101-7Printed in the United States of America.AcknowledgmentsThis book describes the common themes and recurring patternsin what sixty entrepreneurs said about their strategic decision-making. It is highly collaborative, a synthesis between the entre-preneurs and me, created in a series of personal interviews abouttheir business careers. I am greatly privileged to have shared theirthoughts and reflections. Its original and lengthier version servedas my Ph.D. dissertation (and even that barely plumbed the mar-velous data from those interviews). In the five years that havepassed since my interviews with these entrepreneurs, their wordsand stories have lost none of their freshness or power; it is a joyfor me to re-read them. My thanks and abiding respect to all andeach of them, again, for participating in this project with me.And my thanks again to the intellectual mentors who were soimportant in that earlier process, and whose work remains thestandard to which I aspire.Among the CEOs with whom I am privileged to talk frequently,those whose continuing interest and conversations have beenespecially helpful include Jan King and the other former and cur-rent members of TEC 81 and TEC 56. It is a privilege to thinkaloud with each of them, as well, and I am grateful for the strengthof our ties.To Lakin Graham Crane, Wade Graham and Albert Ehringer—my daughter, son and husband—my most grateful and lovingthanks for their unfailing interest and encouragement to takethe next step with these marvelous stories. That earlier versionelicited many calls that they became a book. Wade’s intellectualiMAKE UP YOUR MINDcounsel and editorial expertise were very important influencesin the earlier version; his vision of that as this book was piv-otal.Even with all of that support, this book would not have beenpublished now without the patience and persistence of myMerritt editor, James Walsh. I am grateful for Jim’s persistence,resiliency and the pleasure of working with him. Jim says thatwhat sustained him was the power of these stories. I think you’llfind them equally compelling, thanks to Jim’s insistence that Iget this done.One other note of acknowledgment, this one in the sense ofawareness: I have chosen to use the pronoun “he” as the ge-neric descriptor of both the women and the men in this book.Just because it’s simpler. In my roles as chairman of boards ofdirectors and groups of CEOs, I choose the same generic term,chairman, for the same reason—simply clarity of a role in whichgender is irrelevant.Ann Graham EhringerMalibu, June 1995for ALEX WADEand LOGAN GRACEiiTable of ContentsIntroductionChapter 1: Over My Head Every Three YearsChapter 2: Metaphors and MapsChapter 3: Learning to Play the GameChapter 4: Patterns of Decision-MakingChapter 5: A Measure of IndependenceChapter 6: Decision ToolsChapter 7: 100 Percent of Our Net WorthChapter 8: The Influence of OthersChapter 9: Wedded to the Long ViewChapter 10: The Influence of EventsChapter 11: Hitting the Home RunChapter 12: Purpose…and Personal PrinciplesChapter 13: So You Need Guiding PrinciplesChapter 14: Make Up Your MindAppendiciesIndex1521395181101139155185199231251289305321359 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
