Mad House - Richard Matheson, ebook, Temp

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Mad HouseRichard MathesonHe sits down at his desk. He picks up a long, yellow pencil and starts to write on a pad. The lead point breaks.The ends of his lips turn down. The eye pupils grow small in the hard mask of his face. Quietly, mouth pressed into an ugly, lipless gash, he picks up the pencil sharpener.He grinds off the shavings and tosses the sharpener back in the drawer. Once more he starts to write. As he does so, the point snaps again and the lead rolls across the paper.Suddenly his face becomes livid. Wild rage clamps the muscles of his body. He yells at the pencil, curses it with a stream of outrage. He glares at it with actual hate. He breaks it in two with a brutal snap and flings it into the wastebasket with a triumphant, ?There! See how you like it in there!?He sits tensely on the chair, his eyes wide, his lips trembling. He shakes with a frenzied wrath; it sprays his insides with acid.The pencil lies in the wastebasket, broken and still. It is wood, lead, metal, rubber; all dead, without appreciation of the burning fury it has caused.And yet?He is quietly standing by the window, peering out at the street. He is letting the tightness sough away. He does not hear the rustle in the wastebasket which ceases immediately.Soon his body is normal again. He sits down. He uses a fountain pen.He sits down before his typewriter.He inserts a sheet of paper and begins tapping on the keys.His fingers are large. He hits two keys at once. The two strikers are jammed together. They stand in the air, hovering impotently over the black ribbon.He reaches over in disgust and slaps them back. They separate, flap back into their separate berths. He starts typing again.He hits a wrong key. The start of a curse falls from his lips, unfinished. He snatches up the round eraser and rubs the unwanted letter from the sheet of paper.He drops the eraser and starts to type again. The paper has shifted on the roller. The next sentences are on a level slightly above the original. He clenches a fist, ignores the mistake.The machine sticks. His shoulders twitch, he slams a fist on the space bar with a loud curse. The carriage jumps, the bell tinkles. He shoves the carriage over and it crashes to a halt.He types faster. Three keys stick together. He clenches his teeth and whines in helpless fury. He smacks the type arms. They will not come apart. He forces them to separate with bent, shaking fingers. They fall away. He sees that his fingers are smudged with ink. He curses out loud, trying to outrage the very air for revenge on the stupid machine.Now he hits the keys brutally, fingers falling like the stiff claws of a derrick. Another mistake, he erases savagely. He types still faster. Four keys stick together.He screams.He slams his fist on the machine. He clutches at the paper and rips it from the machine in jagged pieces. He welds the fragments in his fist and hurls the crumpled ball across the room. He beats the carriage over and slams the cover down on the machine.He jumps up and glares down.?You fool!? he shouts with a bitter, revolted voice. ?You stupid, idiotic, asinine fool!?Scorn drips from his voice. He keeps talking, he drives himself into a craze.?You?re no damn good. You?re no damn good at all. I?m going to break you in pieces. I?m going to crack you into splinters, melt you, kill you! You stupid, moronic, lousy goddamn machine!?He quivers as he yells. And he wonders, deep in the self-isolated recesses of his mind whether he is killing himself with anger, whether he is destroying his system with fury.He turns and stalks away. He is too outraged to notice the cover of the machine slip down and hear the slight whirring of metal such as he might hear if the keys trembled in their slots.He is shaving. The razor will not cut. Or the razor is too sharp and cuts too much.Both times a muffled curse billows through his lips. He hurls the razor on the floor and kicks it against the wall.He is cleaning his teeth. He draws the fine silk floss between his teeth. It shreds off. A fuzzy bit remains in the gap. He tries to press another piece down to get that bit out. He cannot force the white thread down. It snaps in his fingers.He screams. He screams at the man in the mirror and draws back his hand, throws the floss away violently. It hits the wall. It hangs there and waves in the rush of angry breeze from the man.He has torn another piece of floss from the container. He is giving the dental floss another chance. He is holding back his fury. If the floss knows what is good for it, it will plunge down between the teeth and draw out the shredded bit immediately.It does. The man is mollified. The systematic juices leave off bubbling, the fires sink, the coals are scattered.But the anger is still there, apart. Energy is never lost; a primal law.He is eating.His wife places a steak before him. He picks up the knife and fork and slices. The meat is tough, the blade is dull.A spot of red puffs up in the flesh of his cheeks. His eyes narrow. He draws the knife through the meat. The blade will not sever the browned flesh.His eyes widen. Withheld tempest tightens and shakes him. He saws at the meat as though to give it one last opportunity to yield.The meat will not yield.He howls. ?God damn it!? White teeth jam together. The knife is hurled across the room.The woman appears, alarm etching transient scars on her forehead. Her husband is beyond himself. Her husband is shooting poison through his arteries. Her husband is releasing another cloud of animal temper. It is mist that clings. It hangs over the furniture, drips from the walls.It is alive.So through the days and nights. His anger falling like frenzied axe blows in his house, on everything he owns. Sprays of teeth-grinding hysteria clouding his windows and falling to his floors. Oceans of wild, uncontrolled hate flooding through every room of his house; filling each iota of space with a shifting, throbbing life.He lay on his back and stared at the sun-mottled ceiling.The last day, he told himself. The phrase had been creeping in and out of his brain since he?d awakened.In the bathroom he could hear the water running. He could hear the medicine cabinet being opened and then closed again. He could hear the sound of her slippers shuffling on the tile floor.Sally, he thought, don?t leave me.?I?ll take it easy if you stay,? he promised the air in a whisper.But he knew he couldn?t take it easy. That was too hard. It was easier to fly off the handle, easier to scream and rant and attack.He turned on his side and stared out into the hall at the bathroom door. He could see the line of light under the door. Sally is in there, he thought. Sally, my wife, whom I married many years ago when I was young and full of hope.He closed his eyes suddenly and clenched his fists. It came on him again. The sickness that prevailed with more violence every time he contracted it. The sickness of despair, of lost ambition. It ruined everything. It cast a vapor of bitterness over all his comings and goings. It jaded appetite, ruined sleep, destroyed affection.?Perhaps if we?d had children,? he muttered and knew before he said it that it wasn?t the answer.Children. How happy they would be watching their wretched father sinking deeper into his pit of introspective fever each day.All right, tortured his mind, let?s have the facts. He gritted his teeth and tried to make his mind a blank. But, like a dull-eyed idiot, his mind repeated the words that he muttered often in his sleep through restless, tossing nights.I?m forty years old. I teach English at Fort College. Once I had hoped to be a writer. I thought this would be a fine place to write. I would teach class part of the day and write with the rest of my time. I met Sally at school and married her. I thought everything would be just fine. I thought success was inevitable. Eighteen years ago.Eighteen years.How, he thought, did you mark the passing of almost two decades? The time seemed a shapeless lump of failing efforts, of nights spent in anguish; of the secret, the answer, the revelation always being withheld from him. Dangled overhead like cheese swinging in a maddening arc over the head of a berserk rat.And resentment creeping. Days spent watching Sally buy food and clothing and pay rent with his meager salary. Watching her buy new curtains or new chair covers and feeling a stab of pain every time because he was that much farther removed from the point where he could devote his time to writing. Every penny she spent he felt like a blow at his aspirations.He forced himself to think that way. He forced himself to believe that it was only the time he needed to do good writing.But once a furious student had yelled at him, ?You?re just a third-rate talent hiding behind a desk!?He remembered that. Oh, God, how he remembered that moment. Remembered the cold sickness that had convulsed him when those words hit his brain. Recalled the trembling and the shaky unreason of his voice.He had failed the student for the semester despite good marks. There had been a great to-do about it. The student?s father had come to the school. They had all gone before Dr. Ramsay, the head of the English Department.He remembered that too; the scene could crowd out all other memories. Him, sitting on one side of the conference table, facing the irate father and son. Dr. Ramsay stroking his beard until he thought he?d hurl something at him. Dr. Ramsay had said?well let?s see if we can?t straighten out this matter.They had consulted the record book and f... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
