M. Sukru Hanioglu - Preparation for a Revolution, Ebooks (various), Geopolitics + Sociology

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Bernard Lewis, Itamar Rabinovich, and Roger Savory, General Editors
The Turban for the Crown
The Islamic Revolution in Iran
Said Amir Arjomand
The Arab Press in the Middle East
A History
Ami Ayalon
Iran’s First Revolution
Shi’ism and the Constitutional Revolution
of 1905–1909
Mangol Bayat
Saddam’s Word
Political Discourse in Iraq
Ofra Bengio
Islamic Reform
Politics and Social Change in Late
Ottoman Syria
David Dean Commins
King Hussein, and the Challenge
of Arab Radicalism
Jordan, 1955–1967
Uriel Dann
Nasser’s “Blessed Movement”
Egypt’s Free Officers and the July Revolution
Joel Gordon
The Young Turks in Opposition
M. ˜ükrü Hanio¦lu
Preparation for a Revolution
The Young Turks, 1902–1908
M. ˜ükrü Hanio¦lu
Cross-Cultural Encounters and Conflicts
Charles Issawi
The Fertile Crescent, 1800–1914
A Documentary Economic History
Edited by Charles Issawi
The Politicization of Islam
Reconstructing Identity, State, Faith, and
Community in the Late Ottoman State
Kemal Karpat
The Making of Saudi Arabia, 1916–1936
From Chieftaincy to Monarchical State
Joseph Kostiner
Eunuchs and Sacred Boundaries in
Islamic Society
Shaun Marmon
The Imperial Harem
Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire
Leslie Peirce
From Abdullah to Hussein
Jordan in Transition
Robert B. Satloff
Other volumes are in preparation.
The Young Turks, 1902–1908
M. ˜ükrü Hanio¦lu
Oxford New York
Athens Auckland Bangkok Bogotá Buenos Aires Calcutta
Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Florence Hong Kong Istanbul
Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai
Nairobi Paris São Paulo Shanghai Singapore Taipei Tokyo Toronto Warsaw
and associated companies in
Berlin Ibadan
Copyright © 2001 by Oxford University Press, Inc.
Published by Oxford University Press, Inc.
198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016
Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Hanio¦lu, M. ˜ükrü.
Preparation for a revolution :
the Young Turks, 1902–1908 / M. ˜ükrü Hanio¦lu.
p. cm.—(Studies in Middle Eastern history)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-19-513463-X
1. Ittihat ve Terraki Cemiyeti. 2. Turkey—Politics and
government—1878–1909. 3. Opposition (Political science)—Turkey—
History—20th century. I. Title. II. Series: Studies in Middle
Eastern history (New York, N.Y.)
DR.5.H375 2000
The art appearing on the title page
is the Ottoman Committee of Progress
and Union’s coat of arms
Printed in the United States of America
on acid-free paper
While engaging in the research and writing of this book, I have incurred numerous
debts of gratitude to colleagues and others who have helped in various ways.
I owe a special debt of thanks to Professors Bernard Lewis and Abraham L. Udovitch
for their consistent encouragement of this project over a period of many years. I must
also express my heartfelt appreciation to the Chairman of the Department of Near
Eastern Studies at Princeton, Professor András Hámori, who during the past three
years created an atmosphere in which scholarship and collegial exchange flourished
once again. Professors Michael A. Cook and András Hámori reviewed the succes-
sive drafts of the entire manuscript and made invaluable contributions on issues rang-
ing from English usage to Arabic transliteration. Without their help this book would
certainly have been the poorer. Professor Joshua Landis read two chapters and came
forward with valuable suggestions.
I am also heavily indebted to a host of officials at the Turkish and other archives
for courteous and faithful cooperation. I am particularly grateful to Mr. Necati Akta„,
Mr. ™lhan Ovalîo¦lu, Mr. ™skender Türe, the late Mr. Veli Tola of the Ba„bakanlìk
Osmanlì Ar„ivi in Istanbul, and Ms. Penelope Tuson, formerly of the British Library.
I also wish to thank Mr. Mustafa Aksakal, Dr. Phillip Allen, Professor Masami Arai,
Professor Aydìn Babuna, Ms. ™ffet
Bayta„, Ms. Berrak Burçak, Ms. Anita L. P.
Burdett, Professor Tufan Buzpìnar, Professor Gökhan Çetinsaya, Mr. Roger E. Egan,
Professor Khaled Fahmy, Professor Elizabeth Frierson, Professor François Georgeon,
Dr. Maha Ghalwash, Professor Dimitri Gondicas, Mr. ˜ükrü Ilìcak, Dr. ™smail Kara,
Professor Jacob M. Landau, Professor Hossein Modarrisi, Ms. Nancy K. Murphy,
Ms. Kathleen A. O’Neill, Mr. Milen Petrov, Mr. Michael Reynolds, Professor Nader
Sohrabi, the late Professor Tarîk Z. Tunaya, Mr. M. Mehmet Ulucan, Professor Lucette
Valensi, Professor Vakur Versan, Mr. David W. Wochner, and Professor Erik J.
Zürcher, who all contributed to this study in various ways. I am also beholden to my
wife, Arsev, for her devotion and to my son, Sinan, since the labor on this book de-
prived him of much of my time. Needless to say, while acknowledging the invalu-
able help of so many, the author takes full responsibility for any errors of fact and
indiscretion of judgment.
Princeton, New Jersey
M. ˜. H
May 1999
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