Mary Janice Davidson - Fred The Mermaid 03 - Fish Out of Water, ebooks [ENG]

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Fish Out of Water
Maryjanice Davidson
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Praise for
Swimming Without a Net
“An engaging undersea adventure . . .
Swimming Without a Net
seizes your attention from the
very first page. Hang on for a fun- filled ride . . .
Swimming Without a Net
demonstrates why
Davidson is considered one of today‟s premier paranormal authors. I urge everyone to pick up a
copy of this entertaining book at your earliest opportunity. This is a not-to-be-missed, laugh-out-
loud adventure. Believe me, you will love this story!”
Romance Junkies
“Davidson, the queen of paranormal comedy, has dished up another wickedly funny romp in this
follow-up to
Sleeping with the Fishes
“An entertaining and charming read . . . fast-paced, enjoyable, and at times downright hilarious.”
Romance Reviews Today
“A story that will entertain, delight, and enlighten fans of mermaid Fred . . . Fans of Ms.
Davidson, rejoiceFred is back and as sassy as ever!”
Fresh Fiction
“Another wacky, amusing romp from MaryJanice Davidson, the queen of this subgenre. The
story line is fast-paced but loaded with humor.”
Midwest Book Review
“Wonderful . . . Fred is just as fierce and funny as before . . . Davidson makes Fred and her
underwater world seem so natural and real, this is a book you can easily enjoy.”
“This wildly offbeat series has lots of laughs as well as biting social commentary.”
Romantic Times
Praise for
Sleeping with the Fishes
“Ms. Davidson has created another laugh-out- loud, unique paranormal romance series that is
bound to take off . . .
Sleeping with the Fishes
has the unique Davidson comic flair that readers
have come to love . . . Among the many paranormal romances on the bookshelves,
Sleeping with
the Fishes
is a „school‟ apart!”
The Romance Readers Connection
“A zany, amusing fantasy as MaryJanice Davidson provides her trademark wacky, fun tale of the
tail . . . Readers will enjoy this delightful, whimsical story.”
The Best Reviews
“Davidson certainly knows how to capture the reader‟s attention . . . a hilarious romp with a
mermaid, a merman, and a human with a Ph.D. that will have you rolling on the floor in
laughter . . . funny with a side of danger all rolled into one neat little package.”
Romance Reviews Today
“Known for her quirky sense of humor, MaryJanice Davidson launches what promises to be a
smashing series with
Sleeping with the Fishes
. This book brought back the magic of first reading
something new by this talented author. Her sense of humor and imagination know no bounds . . .
pure delight to read from start to finish.”
A Romance Review
“Davidson breathes new life into the frequently tired paranormal romance genre with this
refreshingly witty entry featuring a decidedly bad-tempered half- mermaid named Fred . . . It will
be interesting to see where Davidson goes with this new series.”
Monsters and Critics
“Ms. Davidson is royalty in the ranks of paranormal comedy writers. Somehow, she manages to
keep up a rapid- fire round of jokes without ever being too silly or skimping on characterization.
It will be a fun trip to see how Fred‟s life develops in coming novels.”
The Eternal Night
“An amusing and sexy new series with a decidedly underwater twist. Employing her patented
brand of offbeat humor and lighthearted fun, she serves up a new heroine whose life is about to
get extremely complicated.”
Romantic Times
“You will spend many an hour just laughing through her books.”*
Praise for the Undead novels of MaryJanice Davidson
“Delightful, wicked fun!”
Christine Feehan
“A lighthearted vampire pastiche that recalls the work of Charlaine Harris.”
Omaha World-Herald
“Chick lit meets vampire action in this creative, sophisticated, sexy, and wonderfully witty
Catherine Spangler
“A laugh-a-minute book.”
Romance Junkies
“Davidson delivers more wildly witty, irreverent, and just plain funny adventures in her patently
hilarious style.”
Romantic Times
(4½ stars)
“One of the funniest, most satisfying series to come along lately. If you‟re [a] fan of Sookie
Stackhouse and Anita Blake, don‟t miss Betsy Taylor. She rocks.”
The Best Reviews
“I don‟t care what mood you are in, if you open this book you are practically guaranteed to
laugh . . . top-notch humor and a fascinating perspective of the vampire world.”
ParaNormal Romance Reviews
“[A] wickedly clever and amusing romp. Davidson‟s witty dialogue, fast pacing, smart plotting,
laugh-out-loud humor, and sexy relationships make this a joy to read.”
Titles by MaryJanice Davidson
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