M. Mckinley, Książki USA

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Economic Globalisation as Religious War
Economic Globalisation as Religious War
argues that the theories and practises of economic
globalisation are far from providing a new age of progress in contemporary international
politics, but are more accurately seen as the predictable consequences which are experienced
in times of religious wars.
Using a critical theory approach Michael McKinley traces the history and
development of economic globalisation. Drawing on theories of neo-liberalism he
demonstrates how economic globalisation is a form of war, specifically a religious war
wherein the form taken is the imposition of a dogma upon non-believers of different
McKinley argues that economic globalisation expresses itself in the present day as
acts and fears of religious warfare and global terrorism. With the global expansion of
economics and religion and the associated disappearance of nation state borders, these
two seemingly diverse elements are juxtaposed and examined jointly. He does not take a
stance against globalisation, but argues that there is a strong need that economic
globalisation arises from democratic policies and that it is important to pay attention to
local and temporal conditions if we are to avoid the increased spread of conflict of an
essentially religious character. Acknowledging the importance of the United States as a
prime mover and principal determinant of outcomes, this book has a strong US focus. It
is divided into four parts that examine: the causes of neo-liberal war and the expanding
global combat zone; Americanisation and Economics; university as a service to the empire;
and the link between Economics and war.
Economic Globalisation as Religious War
is a provocative and topical new book which
would be of great interest to students and researchers of International Relations,
International Political Economy and Security Studies.
Michael McKinley
is Senior Lecturer in International Relations and Strategy, in the
Political Science and International Relations Programme at the School of Social Sciences
of The Australian National University.
Routledge Advances in International Relations
and Global Politics
1 Foreign Policy and Discourse
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8 Politics and Globalisation
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9 History and International
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Of sanctions, embargoes and
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A global civil society achievement
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51 Human Security
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42 Russia and NATO Since 1991
From Cold War through cold
peace to partnership?
Martin A. Smith
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