Management & marketing Ian MacKenzie, Angielski

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//-->MANAGEMENTand MARKETINGwith Mini-DictionaryIan MacKenzie"Hello. Oh, sorry, I must have dialled mysalary by mistake."---+----­Australia Canada Mexico Singapore Spain United Kingdom United StatesTHOMSONTHOMSON---+=--­Management and MarketingIan MacKenziePublisher/Global ELT:Christopher WengerExecutive Marketing Manager/Global ELT/ESL:Amy MableyCover Design:Anna MacleodCover Photograph:The Stock MarketCompositor: S.WorsfoldCopyright© 1997Heinle, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.Thomson Learning™is a trademark used herein under license.Printed in Croatia by Zrinski d.d.2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 06 05 04 03 02For more information contact Heinle,25Thomson Place, Boston, MA02210USA,All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced orused in any form or by any means-graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying,recording, taping, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems-without thewritten permission of the publisher.For permission to use material from this text or product contact us:1-800-730-2214TelFax1-800-730-2215Webwww.thomsonrights.comISBN: 1-899396-80-2The AuthorIan MacKenzie has taught English in London, New York, and Switzerland. He now teaches atLausanne University. He is the author ofFinancial English(Heinle) andEnglish for BusinessStudies(CUP).AcknowledgementsThe author would like to thank his editors, Jimmie Hill, Mark Powell, and Michael Lewis, for theirhelpful suggestions.managementIntroductionmarketingUsing this BookWHO IS THIS BOOK FOR?This book is for anyone working in management or marketing, or currently studying these subjects. Theunits take you step by step through the fields of managing companies, managing people, managingproduction and operations, and marketing goods and services. They give you the essential language andterminology you need.IF YOU ARE ALREADY WORKING IN MANAGEMENT OR MARKETINGYou will find it helpful to go through the contents list, underline the most useful units for yoursituation, and work on these first. If your job is highly specialised, you may want to work in depth onthe section that is most relevant to your professional needs. On the other hand, if your job carries moregeneral responsibilities, you may prefer to work carefully through each section.IF YOU ARE STUDYING FOR A CAREER IN MANAGEMENT OR MARKETINGIf you have little or no professional experience, it is best to work through the sections systematically.Much of the language is recycled and there are Review Units at the end of each section to revise themost important new vocabulary. It is probably best to begin with Section 1 on Management, afterwhich you can choose between the sections on Production and Marketing, depending on your interests.IF YOU ARE USING THIS BOOK ON YOUR OWNTry to set aside half an hour twice a week for study. This is much better than doing nothing for weeksand then trying to study for a whole evening. One unit is usually sufficient for one study session. Youwill find the answers to all the exercises in the answer key at the back of the book. When you completea unit, always read through it again a day or two later. This is the best way to make sure you do notforget the language.IF YOU ARE USING THIS BOOK WITH A TEACHER IN CLASSMake sure you explain to your teacher exactly what your job involves, so that you can decide togetherwhich parts of the book to study first and in what order. If possible, work with a partner on theexercises. Where the units contain longer texts, it may be better to do these at home and bring yournotes to the next class to discuss with your teacher.HIGHLIGHTED LANGUAGEIn a number of units, you are asked to translate certain expressions into your own language. Theseexpressions are highlighted in colour like this.Itis important to learn not just single words, but alsocollocations and fixed expressions. So, pay close attention to the highlighted language.THE MINI,DICTIONARYIf you have problems doing any of the exercises, the mini-dictionary at the back of the book will helpyou. Good luck with your studies!managementmarketingSection One1. is Management?Management SkillsTop ManagementThe Board of DirectorsCompany StructureAn Organization ChartMeetingsBusiness Objectives and ValuesCompetitive Strategy and Advantage891011121314151618192021222324262728293031333436381.10 Innovation1.11 Growth and Takeovers1.12 Sports Metaphors1.13 Health Metaphors1.14 Recruitment1.15 Training and Qualifications1.16 Theories of Motivation1.17 Remuneration1.18 Working Conditions1.19 Industrial Relations1.20 Redundancy1.21 Cultural Stereotypes and Management1.22 Business Ethics1.23 Collocations - Business1.24 Review - Human Resources Management1.25 Review - Management Verbs 11.26 Review - Management Verbs 24 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
