M E James - The Alpha's Baby [Sugar and Spice] (), 2015 Best Ebooks

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//-->The Alpha's BabyBy M.E. JamesCopyright © 2015 M.E. JamesCover Design by: Mina CarterISBN: 978-0-9864137-1-1This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novelare fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right toreproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.Sugar and Spice PressNorth Carolina, USAwww.sugarnspicepress.comThe Alpha’s BabyM.E. JamesPrologueA BMW barreled right toward Emmy Ellison. Bright headlightsblinded her and the scream of the car’s horn echoed in her ears. Shesqueezed her eyes shut, throwing her hands in front of her face to protectherself. In that moment, she was certain that she was going to die.Right before the car mowed her over, a hailstorm of memories washedover her. She remembered her mom and dad constantly arguing when shewas a child. She remembered becoming a chef and opening her ownbakery called Sweet Delights. Unfortunately, she also remembered theheartbreak she felt when she learned her employees thought she was ahard ass.As she screamed, unsure of whether her cries were because of theapproaching doom or her painful memories, she felt the impact, thoughnot from the direction that she was expecting. She was lifted off of herfeet and thrown to the left. Though she prepared herself for a collision,two warm arms wrapped around her, keeping her from being injured asshe toppled to the ground. Finally, she finally opened her eyes again.She saw only gray.It took her a confused moment to realize that she was peering straightinto a pair of eyes. Gorgeous gray eyes, in fact. She sucked in air andrealized that she'd just been rescued by a dazzling man. She studied hisface and saw auburn waves falling over a wide forehead. Dark day-oldgrowth dusted a strong jaw. Lips were thin but utterly kissable. The manlooked so divine she wondered whether she'd died after all."Are you an angel?" she groaned."No." The gray-eyed man chuckled.The chuckle was what woke her up. After all, Emmy wasn't the sort ofwoman who people normally chuckled at. She blinked away her surpriseand slowly sat up, shocked that the only thing that hurt was her knee.2The Alpha’s BabyM.E. JamesNow that she'd recovered enough from the shocking encounter tothink clearly, she looked at the BMW that had almost mowed her over.She could see a man sitting in the driver's seat. Anger surged through her.That driver could have killed her, and he was going to get a piece of hermind because of it. After all, Emmy was many things, but timid was notone of them.She lurched to her feet, ready to use the word asshole and all of itscreative synonyms, when the BMW's driver looked at her—and thenstepped on the gas.The coward.No, coward was too weak of a word to describe the driver. He was ason of a bitch.One second she was standing there watching the BMW sail away, thenext, she was seizing her shoe and pulling it from her foot. With a wail ofrage, she threw her shoe at the car. Naturally, it missed the BMW by amile and bounced in the middle of the intersection. Damn. Now she'd losta perfectly good stiletto on top of everything else. What a day.As she stared after the BMW, wishing she had telekinesis so she couldhurl his car into cyberspace, her hero placed his hand on her shoulder. Shestiffened. Oh God, she must look like a total lunatic. It was just that shewas having the most awful day and…and…Oh, who was she kidding?She would have thrown the shoe if she was having the best day ever. Hertemper was so bad that she was lucky she hadn't been arrested for shovingsomebody down a flight of stairs.Still, she wanted to apologize for her less-than-attractive display."I'm sorry you had to see that." She winced, scratching the back of herhead."Don't apologize," he said. "I think it's a damn shame your shoe didn'tdent his car."Okay, she liked this guy. Funny how his violent streak was even moreappealing to her than the fact that he'd just kept her from meeting SaintPeter at the young age of twenty-eight.3The Alpha’s BabyM.E. James"I wish it would have dented more than his car." She wished it wouldhave dented his skull.The man looked like he wanted to smile but didn't. His gaze—oh boy,his eyes were gorgeous—dropped down to her knee."You okay?" he asked."Yeah, besides the burning rage." She cracked her knuckles."Are you sure?" He still stared down at her knee.Frowning, she followed his gaze. Sure enough, blood was oozing fromher right kneecap. Oh goody. Now she wasn't just an angry psycho. Nowshe was a bleeding, angry psycho. She'd been too mad at Mr. BMW topay much attention to the state of her leg, but now that she saw the injury,it hurt like a bitch. No, scratch that, it hurt like ten bitches. She winced."I could be better," she admitted. "At least I only hurt my knee. If itwasn't for you, my brain would be oozing out of my skull."He winced at her imagery. "I'm just glad I was able to help you.""Well, thanks." She paused and looked around. "Where did you comefrom, anyway? I was on the crosswalk alone when the BMW headedtoward me."The guy's smile lessened by several molars. She had the feeling she'dsaid the wrong thing, but for the life of her, she wasn't sure what she'dsaid that was so bad."Let's just fix up your knee, shall we?" he asked."Okay." She shrugged."Where do you live?" he asked. "After I help you get home, we canclean your injury."She lived some distance away. The truth was, she'd wanted to escapeSeattle for a little while and had ended up in Edmonds. Sure, Edmondswas only eleven miles from Seattle, but with big-city traffic, she wouldn'tbe at her apartment for at least a half an hour."I live in Seattle," she admitted."That's not good." He whistled and shook his head."Indeed." Her car upholstery was going to be ruined by blood if she4The Alpha’s BabyM.E. Jamesdrove now. She wondered what her mom would think if she called to askhow to get blood off her seats."My place is just a block away," he said. "I can help you get cleanedup there.""Are you sure?" She examined the man. "You've helped me so muchalready.""What, do you really think I'm going to let you stand out in the middleof a crosswalk bleeding to death?" He raised an eyebrow. Damn, shewanted to learn how he did that so perfectly."The guy in the BMW had no problem leaving me bleeding," she said."The guy in the BMW is an ass," he said."And you're not?" she asked."I can be an ass sometimes." He grinned. It could have been herimagination, but she swore that his grin was wolfish. A chill ran down herspine."I guess it would be okay to go to your place." She hesitated. "I justfeel bad putting you out so much, Mr.…""Just call me Sebastian." The man nodded at her.Sebastian. A sexy name for a sexy man. The only name that wouldhave been more befitting was Mr. Gorgeous, and she wasn't sure thatwould have gone over too well in high school."I'm Emmy," she said."Short for Emelia, by chance?" he asked."Nope." She kicked a rock that was underfoot. "Emmy. Just Emmy.""Hmm." He looked at her. "It suits you."She hoped that was a good thing."Thanks."I think.Instead of answering, Sebastian just grinned at her in a roguish, I-eat-women-for-breakfast kind of way. As he started to walk and she followed,she had to remind herself that he'd just watched her hurl a stiletto at a carwhile screaming like a lunatic. An eighty-year-old homeless womanwould have had more of a chance with him than she did at this point.5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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